
Contact Position Phone
Shane Cournia Athletic Director 772-564-5149


If you have any question regarding the Athletic Programs at Sebastian River Middle please contact Shane Cournia at: [email protected]

School Board Policy 2431.02 - Random Student Drug Testing for Interscholastic Extra-Curricular Competitive Activity Participants

Admission Fee: The cost will be as follows:

  • Adults - $3.00
  • Students/Children - $2.00

Please be prepared if you plan on watching the games.

NIAAA Anti-Hazing Video "Dying to Belong"
[District Student Hazing Policy]

Sports 2024-2025

 Steps for Application & Clearance


To be eligible to try out for sports in 2024-2025, complete the steps below.


STEP 1: ATHLETIC CLEARANCE                                                                            

Create an account or add a new sport(s) for the year 2024-2025 at

    for ALL sports you’re interested in playing. This will allow you the possibility to be cleared for all sports at the    

    same time.  (Aktivate accounts for 2024-2025 open June 1, 2024!)

STEP 2: ATHLETIC PHYSICAL/CONSENT AND RELEASE FORM                                                                            

Complete and upload the NEW FHSAA EL2 Athletic Physical Form to your Aktivate account. All parties must sign and date the form  athlete, parent, and doctor. Schedule an appointment with your doctor before your Athletic Physical expires! Complete and upload the FHSAA EL3 Consent and Release Form.

  STEP 3: ATHLETICVIDEOS                                                                              

  • Register or sign-in at and complete the three video courses on ConcussionHeat Illness, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. You will have to select the state of Florida and order the courses, but they are FREE. Download/screenshot the certificates and upload them to the physical documents section on Aktivate. 
  • Video Certificates for ConcussionHeat Illness, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest are to be scanned or screenshot and uploaded to their correct section. For the Videos on the NFHS website, select the state of Florida and order the courses for FREE. Register for an account to view your certificates.


(SRMS transfer students & non- SRMS students)

If you  transferred to  SRMS  or  do not attend SRMS, please review  the following and  determine  which category

SRMS Transfer Students (transferred over 2024 summer or during 2024-2025 school year): GA4

Charter Students (Traditional): GA4, NTSP, Transcripts, EL14 (if applicable)

FLVS Full Time Students (not registered as Home-Schooled): GA4NTSP, Transcripts, EL14 (if applicableHome-Schooled Students (registered with SDIRC): GA4EL7EL7V, Transcripts, EL14 (if applicable)

     Non-Member Private School Students: EL12GA4

STEP 5: CLEARANCE STATUS                                                                            

You will NOT BE ELIGIBLE to participate in tryouts and / or the first official day of practice until your Aktivate

account status for the specified sport reads Complete or "Ready for Tryouts.” Allow for a few days to receive this confirmation email. Otherwise, login to Aktivate, to view the status for the particular sport you are trying out for.


Contact the SRMS Athletic Director with any questions or concerns at 772-564-5149  or [email protected].  Be sure to complete ALL required steps before tryouts.